Dimitri Uznadze Institute of Psychology
Founded in 1943 by renowned Georgian psychologist Dimitri Uznadze, the Institute of Psychology was the first research institute of psychology in the former Soviet Union. In 2010, it was incorporated into Ilia State University. The objective of the Institute is to continue research traditions started by Uznadze.
Ongoing Research at the Institute:
- Address current problems affecting society: research themes deal with the issues related to people with autism, victims of domestic violence, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, adolescents, as well as pro-environmental behavior and organizational relations; on the basis of the research findings, recommendations will be formulated for respective organizations and decision-makers.
- Meet international standards: research topics at the Institute are topical throughout the world, while research results enrich previous studies and generate new knowledge; accordingly they are known in international scientific circles by being published in international journals and included in speeches made at international conferences.
- Are well-known in Georgian scientific circles: the research findings and papers are published in Georgian-language journals; regular speeches are made for students and specialists, and annual reports are produced to inform colleagues and students on the work done;
- Are based on teamwork bringing together professors and students, notably, Ph.D. students whose thesis topics are related to the project themes;
- Are connected to teaching and learning, an established practice at ISU: Students participate in research and assist professors at the Institute in teaching at all levels of university education enriching the curricula with their research findings and experience.
- Javakhishvili, N., Lortkipanidze, M., Petriashvili, A. (2012). The role of social capital in combating domestic violence.
- სხირტლაძე ნ., ჯავახიშვილი ნ. (2012), ”იდენტობის ფორმირება და ზრდასრულობის სუბიექტური აღქმა”, ქართული ელექტრონული ჟურნალი: განათლების მეცნიერებები და ფსიქოლოგია, GESJ:Education Sciences and Psychology // 2012 | No.3(22), pp. 79-86
- Javakhishvili, N., Schneider, J., Makashvili, A., Kochlashvili N. (2012). Ethnic Social Distance: A comparison of Georgian, German and Japanese Students. Journal of Social Management, number 2, 2012, pp. 55-64
- ჯიბლაძე გ. ჯავახიშვილი ნ. (2012), ოჯახში ძალადობის წინააღმდეგ მიმართული კანონის იმპლემენტაცია საქართველოში, კონტექსტუალური ინტერაქციის თეორიის მიხედვით. Proceedings of the UCSS conference, 2012.
- ჯავახიშვილი ნ., ლორთქიფანიძე მ., პეტრიაშვილი ა. (2012), სოციალური კაპიტალი ოჯახში ძალადობის წინააღმდეგ: ეკლესია, მასმედია, საზოგადოება. Proceedings of the UCSS conference, 2012.
- Javakhishvili, D.; Javakhishvili, N. Miovsky, M.; Razmadze M., Kandelaki, N. (2014). Piloting European Drug Addiction Preventive intervention Unplugged Program in Georgia: Formative Study”. Addictolgy, 2014 N2, pp. 126-133
- Javakhishvili, N., Schneider, J.F., Makashvili, A. and Kochlashvili, N. (2013) “Measuring Ethnic Attitudes: Tolerance and Social Distance from Cross-cultural Perspective” Athens: ATINER’S Conference Paper series, No: PSY2013-0543.
- Eli Doris, Ia Shekriladze, Nino Javakhishvili, Roshan Jones, Janet Treasure & Kate Tchanturia (2015) Is cultural change associated with eating disorders? A systematic review of the literature. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.149-160
- Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S. J., Beyers, W., & Luyckx, K. (2016). Identity processes and statuses in post-Soviet Georgia: Exploration processes operate differently. Journal of Adolescence, 47, 197-209
- მაყაშვილი, ქ., შეშაბერიძე, მ. (2016) სიტუაციურ ცვლილებასთან მორგების თავისებურებანი სენსომოტორულ დონეზე ფიქსირებული განწყობის დინამიკის შესწავლის გზით იშემიური ინსულტის შემთხვევებში. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- ჯავახიშვილი, ნ., სხირტლაძე, ნ., ბუწაშვილი, ნ., ლორთქიფანიძე, მ., მაყაშვილი, ა., ვარდანაშვილი, ი., შეყრილაძე, ი. (2016). კვლევის ინსტრუმენტების ვალიდაცია. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- ჯავახიშვილი, ნ., ვარდანაშვილი, ი. (2016). რელიგიურობა და წინარწმენები. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- მირცხულავა, რ. (2016). დიმიტრი უზნაძე – ხელოვნების მკვლევარი. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- ბუწაშვილი, ნ. (2016). მულტიკულტურალიზმის მხარდაჭერა და ეთნიკური მიკუთვნებულობა. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- ქავთარაძე, ი. (2016). ევოლუციური პარადიგმა ფსიქოლოგიაში. დიმიტრი უზნაძის დაბადებიდან 130 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი კონფერენციის შრომები. თბილისი.
- Javakhishvili, N., Kochlashvili, N., Makashvili., Schneider, J.Measuring Ethnic Attitudes: Tolerance and Social Distance from Cross-cultural Perspective. An Anthology of Social Themes, edited by Gregory T. Papanikos. ATINER, Athens, Greece, 2016
- Ia Shekriladze , Kate Tchanturia (2016). Acculturation to Western Culture in the Context of Eating Disorders, Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders, Editors: Tracey Wade, pp 1-4. 2016.
- Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz S. J., Luyckx, K. „Identity Styles in Georgian Context and their Association to Parenting Dimensions“, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 15(1), pp.24-40. Impact factor .792.
- Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx K.”Links between Life-Stories and Personal Identity Development Profiles and Processes” Emerging Adulthood, impact factor 1.446.
- Javakhishvili, N., & Jibladze, G. (2017). Analysis of Anti-Domestic Violence Policy Implementation in Georgia Using Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT). Journal of Social Policy, 1-18.
- ვარდანაშვილი, ი., მაყაშვილი, ა., ჯავახიშვილი, ნ., & ბუწაშვილი, ნ. (2017). წინარწმენის საზომი ინსტრუმენტის ქართულენოვანი ვერსიის შემუშავება. ჟესჟ: განათლების მეცნიერებანი და ფსიქოლოგია, 45(3), 86-99. impact factor: 0.9801
- Tchintcharauli, T., & Javakhishvili, N. Inclusive Education in Georgia: Current Trends and Challanges.British Journal of Special Education.
- Ana Makashvili, Irina Vardanashvili, Nino Javakhishvili. Testing Intergroup Threat Theory: Realistic and Symbolic Threats, Religiosity and Gender as Predictors of Prejudice. Europe’s Journal of Psychology. CiteScore 2016: 0.69.
- D. Otiashvili, I. Kirtadze, I. Vardanashvili, M. Tabatadze and Allison J. Ober. Perceived acceptability of and willingness to use syringe vending machines: results of a cross-sectional survey of out-of-service people who inject drugs in Tbilisi, Georgia. Harm Reduction Journal, 2019.
- Kirtadze I, Otiashvili D, Tabatadze M, Vardanashvili, I, Sturua, L, Zabransky, T, Anthony, J.C.. Republic of Georgia estimates for prevalence of drug use: Randomized response techniques suggest under-estimation. Drug and alcohol dependence, 2018.
- Subeliani, D., Otiashvili, D., Kutelia, L., Beselia, A., Mgebrishvili, T., Vardanashvili, I. & Kirtadze, I. Patterns of use of new psychoactive substances and perceived benefits and negative effects: results of online survey in Georgia (country), Journal of Substance Use, 2019.
- Skhirtladze, N., Van Petegem, S., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S.J. & Luyckx, K. Motivation and psychological need fulfillment on the pathway to identity resolution. Motivation and Emotion, 2019.
- Skhirtladze N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz S.J., Luyckx, K. Identity formation in the domains of goals and values in Georgian emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood, 2019.
- სხირტლაძე, ნ. განვითარების რეგულაცია და შეხედულებები წარმატების მიღწევის კონტროლზე. GESJ: Education Sciences and Psychology, 66-75, 2019.
- Shekriladze, I., Javakhishvili, N., & Tchanturia, K. Culture Change and Eating Patterns: A Study of Georgian Women. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2019.
- Grigoryan, L., Bai, X., Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Fabrykant, M., Hakobjanyan, A., Javakhishvili, N., Kadirov, K., Kotova, M., Makashvili, A., Maloku, E., Morozova-Larina, O., Mullabaeva, N., Samekin, A., Verbilovich, V., Yahiiaiev, I. Stereotypes as Historical Accidents: Images of Social Class in Postcommunist Versus Capitalist Societies. Personality and Social Psycholoy Bulletin, 2019.
- König, C. J., Langer, M., Fell, C. B., Dutt Pathak, R., ul Habib Bajwa, N., Derous, E., Geißler, S. M., Hirose, S., Hülsheger, U., Javakhishvili, N., Junges, N., Knudsen, B., Lee, M.S., Mariani, M.G., Nag, G.C., Petrescu, C., Robie, C., Rohorua, H., Sammel, L.D., Schichtel, D., Titov, S., Todadze, K., von Lautz, A.H. and Ziem, M., Economic predictors of differences in interview faking between countries: Economic inequality matters, not the state of economy. Applied Psychology.
- Nino Skhirtladze, Koen Luyckx, Seth J. Schwartz, Longitudinal associations between Identity processes and goal engagement and disengagement: Directionality of effects and correlated change. Social Development.
- Kosakowska‐Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Jurek, P., Vandello, J., Makashvili, A., Country‐level and individual‐level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Lucero Munguía, Gemma Mestre-Bach, Trevor Steward, Mikel Etxandi, et al., COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES): Analysis of the impact of confinement in eating disorders and obesity—A collaborative international study. European Eating Disorders Review.
- Sigmund Freud, Das Unbehagen in Der Kultur – Civilization and its Discontents, in Georgian, Ilia State University Publishing House, 2012
- Textbook “Without Phonogram” (student’s book, teacher’s book, textbook for parents and cards), Ilia State University Publishing House, 2012
- Eliot Aronson, “Social Animal,” Ilia State University Publishing House, 2014.
- დიმიტრი უზნაძე, მაია რობაქიძე, თამარ ცხადაძე, გიორგი ხეოშვილი, „დიმიტრი უზნაძის ნაშრომები და მათი თანამედროვე ზნტერპრეტაცია“, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, თბილისი, 2020 წელი, SBN 978-9941-18-352-2
- შორენა საძაგლიშვილი, ია შეყრილაძე, „კონსულტირება სოციალურ მუშაობაში: ადგილობრივი და საერთაშორისი გამოცდილება“; ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, თბილისი, 2020 წელი, ISBN 978-9941-18-353-9
- Sigmund Freud, Das Unbehagen in Der Kultur – Civilization and its Discontents, translating in Georgian, and editing
- Textbook “Without Phonogram” (student’s book, teacher’s book, textbook for parents and cards), Ilia State University Publishing House, 2012
- Eliot Aronson, “Social Animal,” translating in Georgian, and editing
- Materials in the field of personality and social psychology:
- Kroger J. Marcia, J. Identity Statuses: Origins, Meanings and Interpretations. Handbook of Identity Theory and Research“chapter 2.
- Arnett, J. (2011) Emerging Adulthood(s) the Cultural Psychology of a New Life Stage in Arnett J.A. Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology. Oxford University Press
- Luyckx, Koen, Seth J. Schwartz, Luc Goossens, Wim Beyers, Lies Missotten, L. 2011. Processes of Personal Identity Formation and Evaluation. in Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx K,Vivian L Vignoles. (eds) Handbook of Identity Theory and Research. Springer.
- Erickson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and Crises. The McCrow-Hill. Chapter 3
- Vignoles V.L., Schwartz S.J. Luyckx K. (2011) Introduction: Toward ad intergrative view on identity. (Chapter 1). in Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx K,Vivian L Vignoles. (eds) Handbook of Identity Theory and Research. Springer
- Aronson, E. & Bridgeman, D. Jigsaw Groups and the Desegregated Classroom: In Pursuit of Common Goals (Chapter 30) in Aronson, J. & Aronson, E. Readings about the Social Animal. Worth Publishers, 2011
- Aronson J. Low numbers stereotypes and the underrepresentation of women in math and science (Chapter 28) in Aronson, J. & Aronson, E. Readings about the Social Animal. Worth Publishers, 2011
- Fein, S. & Spencer, S. J. Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others (Chapter 32) in Aronson, J. & Aronson, E. Readings about the Social Animal. Worth Publishers, 2011
- Harber, K. The Positive Feedback Bias (Chapter 33) in Aronson, J. & Aronson, E. Readings about the Social Animal. Worth Publishers, 2011
- Word, C. O., Zanna, M. P. & Cooper, J. The nonverbal mediation of self-fulfilling prophecies in interracial interaction (Chapter 27) in Aronson, J. & Aronson, E. Readings about the Social Animal. Worth Publishers, 2011
- Brewer, Marilynn B. The importance of being we: human nature and intergroup relations. American Psychologist, Vol 62(8), Nov 2007, 728-738.
- John F. Dovidio. On the Nature of Contemporary Prejudice: The Third Wave. Journal of Social Issues. Volume 57, Issue 4, pages 829–849, Winter 2001
- Sam McFarland. Authoritarianism, Social Dominance, and Other Roots of Generalized Prejudice. Political Psychology. Volume 31, Issue 3, pages 453–477, June 2010
- Brian Laythe, Deborah G. FinkeL, Robert G. Bringle and Lee A. Kirkpatrick. Religious Fundamentalism as a Predictor of Prejudice: A Two-Component Model. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Volume 41, Issue 4, pages 623–635, December 2002
- Werner Bergmann. Anti-Semitic Attitudes in Europe: A Comparative Perspective. Journal of Social Issues. Volume 64, Issue 2, pages 343–362, June 2008
- Stephan, W. G. Viewing Intergroup Relations in Europe Through Allport’s Lens Model of Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues., 64(2), 417-429. 2008
- Andreas Zick, Thomas F. Pettigrew and Ulrich Wagner. Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination in Europe. Journal of Social Issues. Volume 64, Issue 2, pages 233–251, June 2008
- Binder, Jens, Zagefka, Hanna, Brown, Rupert, Funke, Friedrich, Kessler, Thomas, Mummendey, Amélie, Maquil, Annemie, Demoulin, Stephanie and Leyens, Jacques-Philippe. Does contact reduce prejudice or does prejudice reduce contact? A longitudinal test of the Contact Hypothesis amongst majority and minority groups in three European countries. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (4). pp. 843-856. ISSN 0022-3514. 2009
- Dabbs Jr. J.M. & Leventhal H. Effects of Varying the Recommendations in a Fear-Arousing Communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4 (5): 525–531. 1966
- Cognitive Psychology, Sixth Edition. Robert J. Sternberg and. Karin Sternberg. Chapter 12, Decision Making and Reasoning. Wadsworth Publishing; 6 edition, 2011.
- Nino Javakhishvili, Director of the Institute
- Maka Lortkipanidze, director’s assistant and researcher
- Nino Butsashvili, assistant
- Nino Skhirtladze, senior staff scientist and researcher
- Ana Makashvili, senior staff scientist and associate researcher
- Irina Vardanashvili, senior staff scientist and associate researcher
- Ia Shekriladze, staff scientist and assistant researcher
- Nino Tevzadze, staff scientist and assistant researcher
- Tamar Saghinadze, senior staff scientist and associate researcher
- Ia Iashvili, senior staff scientist and associate researcher
- Ana Papava, staff scientist and assistant researcher
- Gvantsa Chvamania- assistant researcher
- Manana Omarashvili- assistant researcher
- Tamar Gvalia, staff scientist and assistant researcher
- Melania Chargazia, staff scientist and assistant researcher
- Nino Rukhadze, researcher’s assistant
- Ketevan Talakhadze, researcher’s assistant
- Salome Mindorashvili, researcher’s assistant
- Tinatin Chincharauli, invited consultant
- Nata Meparishvili, invited consultant
- Dali Parjanadze, invited expert in the Project “Preservation, Popularization and Development of Dimitri Uznadze’s Legacy”
- Rusudan Mirtskhulava, invited expert in the Project “Preservation, Popularization and Development of Dimitri Uznadze’s Legacy”
- Ketevan Makashvili, invited expert in the Project “Preservation, Popularization and Development of Dimitri Uznadze’s Legacy”
- Marine Chitashvili, invited expert in the Project “Preservation, Popularization and Development of Dimitri Uznadze’s Legacy”
Organization of the Institute:
Strategic decisions at the Institute are made by the science board. Namely, it approves main scientific research areas and topics, budget and discusses other related issues. The science board comprises 5 members with one of its members, namely, Maka Lortkipanidze, being serving as a secretary.
The members of the board are as follows:
- Nino Javakhishvili, Director of the Institute and Doctor of Psychological Sciences
- Nino Skhirtladze, main staff scientist, researcher, and Doctor of Psychological Sciences
- Tinatin Chincharauli, invited consultant and Doctor of Psychological Sciences
- Nata Meparishvili, invited consultant and Doctor of Psychological Sciences
- Maka Lortkipanidze, director’s assistant and researcher
Contact Information
Nino Javakhishvili - Professor, Director
3/5 K. Cholokashvili Avenue, 0162 Tbilisi
(995 32) 2220009
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